Professional Bee Removal
- Flea fossils date back to the Lower Cretaceous period, meaning fleas have been around for about 100 million years. At that time, their neighbors might have been a Tyrannosaurus Rex or Triceratops!
- Some fleas can jump 150 times their own length. That compares to a human jumping 300 meters. One flea broke a record with a four-foot vertical jump.
- Undisturbed and without a blood meal, a flea can live more than 100 days. On average, they live two to three months.
- Female fleas cannot lay eggs until after their first blood meal and begin to lay eggs within 36-48 hours after that meal.
- The female flea can lay 2,000 eggs in her lifetime
- The female flea consumes 15 times her own body weight in blood daily.
- While adult fleas all suck blood from a cat or dog or other mammal, their larvae live and feed on organic debris in the host animal's environment.
- Flea larvae are blind.
- If you happen to see one flea, there may be more than 100 offspring or adults looming nearby in furniture, corners, cracks, carpet or on your pet.
- Fleas are often confused with bedbugs, lice and ticks.
- The largest recorded flea is the North American Hystrichopsylla schefferi, measuring 12mm in length - almost 1/2-inch!
Customer Prep:
- Vacuuming all carpet areas and throw away the back
- Pick up all loose articles off the floor
- Take the pet to the vet and have the fleas addressed directly
Customer Prep:
- Vacuuming all carpet areas and throw away the back
- Pick up all loose articles off the floor
- Take the pet to the vet and have the fleas addressed directly